
· The Timeless Enters your Life ·

February 17, 2018 Comments Off on Fracture

I don't know how it happens or why it happens but there is no doubt that it happens. Cracks are forming in the seemingly limited identities of millions of people around the world. You never know when or where a crack will form. You may or may not recognize it when it happens. One thing is certain however, you'll never be the same again.


Eternity is not a long time.  Eternity has nothing to do with time.  Eternity is just a word for the direct experience of the timeless dimension.  The moment it enters your life there is a sense of the impossible combination of infinite expansion and complete intimacy.  The experience is impossible to speak about and yet you know that it is the most important thing that has ever happened to you.


The majority of people who become fractured do not have the context to recognize that it is a natural experience and that it is the doorway to freedom and deep, unbroken peace.  There are also those who seek the fracturing of the separate identity so that when it happens it is recognized as such.  This is a double edged sword.  On one hand they have the support and understanding that this is a natural and ultimately liberating process.  On the other hand this often leads to a period where the identity is altered but reorganizes itself very comfortably as a “spiritual” one.  The subtle (or not so subtle) belief that one has “woken up” can be a very good hiding place for the egoic framework that holds the separate identity together.


Either way what follows this fracturing is a period of realignment, restructuring of our identities and most importantly a lot of letting go.  If there is one piece of advice I have for anyone who has undergone an awakening it is this:  Be willing to let go of all of your beliefs.  They will all go no matter how much you fight the process.  You will fight at times and be incredibly relieved at other times, but the letting go will happen regardless.


If at any point you feel internal resistance, ask yourself this question:  What belief about myself am I holding on to?  It may be as simple as, “I am awake, I shouldn’t suffer like this.”  Remember every belief about yourself is a limitation.  The ones we like are the most insidious.


All of this letting go may sound bad, and at times it will feel terrible.  In fact I guarantee that at certain points along the pathless path you will wish the fracture had never occurred (yet you will simultaneously know somehow that it is the biggest blessing of your life).  Don’t let any of this worry you too much because where you are headed is wondrous and joyful beyond all description.  The thing is that the letting go is simply a letting go of all of the beliefs that have convinced us for so long that we are isolated and limited.



As we get more familiar with the letting go process we start to sense something surprising, that is also a tremendous relief.  What we begin to intuit is that the letting go Itself is more where our identity lies than inside a bunch of beliefs as we had previously thought.  This may sound odd but once we start to experience ourselves as this incredible movement to let go of all concepts and beliefs, a very deep and intelligent acceptance is cultivated in our lives.  This can be very surprising because we have been so used to rejecting parts of ourselves.  This rejection of portions of our self has caused that sense of isolation and separateness.  As this movement of acceptance is driven deeper and deeper (as a by product of letting go willingly or otherwise) we begin to realize our true nature.  That means we embody and live out of it.  I will not put words to what our True Nature actually is because that is impossible.  I will say that it is good news indeed.  You would never want to go back even if you could.

February 18, 2018
